Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Easy Home Tens Unit

I LOVE this TENS unit. It is a lower intensity version of the ones used at physical therapy. I like the back lit screen and the timer most of the features. It is the nicest one I have seen for the price. It came with everything you need to get started right out of the box, even the batteries!

 I highly recommend this unit, I'm using mine right now!
You can get yours here on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Easy-Home-Deluxe…/…/ref=sr_1_54_a_it…


Leader Accessories Pet Sofa Cover

I was really excited to get this sofa cover. I was pretty disappointed when it was slightly too small for my couch (that it should have fit based on measurements) and was way too big for my love seat. The back doesn't stay, and falls down on as soon as someone sits on it or a dog jumps up onto the couch. It has tabs that are supposed to be tucked in to keep it in place and they are worthless for keeping it where it needs to be. I really wanted to like this cover, I'm really sad it won't work for me.